Bem and his team arrived at Vincent University very late, the night before the annual National University Games to hold among 50 Universities,
because of the distance from his school to the University. Nearby universities already arrived earlier and had started training.
They were wowed as the walk down to the hostel allocated to them by the committees of the competition.
"What a journey! Joe exclaimed.
Yea,  I haven't been to this part of the country in my entire life, I can't wait to tour round the University and it's environment during the event especially when we don't have game; Fred what do you think, said Bem
 That's a great idea, because I am very sure after the competition is over, Coach Lois will not give a minute for that Fred replied.
Who else is interested in this fabulous adventure, Bem asked.
Few raised their hands while some whispers and others murmured. Bem and his counterpart discussed and planned their movement till they all fell asleep.
It was a beautiful morning as the Sun peeped through the cloud; Bem and his friend are already on the field jogging preparing for the opening event. Other universities joined them on the field each forming a bunch doing the early morning exercise. After the workout all students went back to their hostel to freshen up and dress for the opening event.
The opening event was rounded up and students went back to relax in preparation of the main event. Bem's team was at the third floor of the University hostel and at the extreme because of their late arrival.
Their coaches were in their hostel to put them through on how to make it to the top and also to advise them on what to do, and inform them on the dos and don'ts of the competition. While Coach Lois who is the head coach was busy doing that, Dave noticed a river not far from the University fence. Something seems like coincidence; I have seen this before, he said to himself. Where! Where!! He pondered.
Dave! Hope you understand what I said? Coach Lois cut in.
"Excuse me Sir?
Everyone laughed at his reaction to Coach Lois questions
Coach Lois sighs, you see why, I do have problem with you, you get lost each time we are having a serious discussion. What I said earlier is that, you will be playing as the midfielder in our first soccer game.
"Okay Sir, He replied.
Coach Lois is done allocating roles to everyone as he gives other coaches few things to say before stepping out.
Fred moved closer to Dave, tapped him on his shoulder and alters a word of advice to his ears,
"Hey Dave, what is it this time, do we need to wake up from your slumber all the time. You need to be very careful so you don't get lost on the field, said Fred as he walked to the bed.
Dave didn't make a move not answer him, but he was all his focus on the river to see if he could remember where he had seen it.
Bem, Bem! Please come. Dave whispers
What is it? Bem yelled
"Just come!" Dave said very slowly
Bem stood up and moved towards him. Dave quickly grabbed his wrist and pointed to the window.
What is it? Asked Bem
Look at that river, it's behind the school can we take our tour there? Dave asked
Really, I thought you said you weren't interested in the tour? Asked Bem
Dave smiled, I was just joking.
They smiled, shake hands and called the attention of others. Some were excited, while some feel unconcerned about it.
"Bem, Check the timetable for our school game" said one of the boys
"We have games tomorrow and the next day after tomorrow, but we don't have any game on Friday down to Sunday. Bem said to his team.
Everyone cheers.
Bem is the team head and the best sport Man for the Student of the Year Award; he is in charge of coordinating and monitoring others students during the competition. He is in charge of making sure all students are available for the morning workout and the evening drilling. He is friendly, hardworking and very adventurous. He is the type that loves taking risk; he is also the strongest of his pair. His best friend is Dave and Fred.
Dave is a weakling, but he's very intelligent and smart. He's very calculative but gets easily distracted because of past psychological trauma he was involved in.
Fred is the fasionista and the girl's guy. He is courageous and strong-hearted. Losing to his opponent is his last thing on his mind.
very early on Tuesday morning, As Usual, everyone was on the field working out, when an announcement was made through the public system that there should be decorum in the environment, that a prestigious owner of environment close to the school hate noise. Everyone was surprised except for the students of the school who are use to it.
"How, i don't understand? Asked one of the student
"I wonder, because I noticed there is no building close to this school. Said another student
Oh, yes I noticed it too, the only building is 20 kilometers away from here, and so who are we disturbing here.
Some of the students of Vincent University started laughing hysterically.
"Don't worry you will get use to it as time goes on.
Everyone dismissed and went to their various hostels murmuring and discussing about the previous issue.
Immediately they got to their various rooms, Dave started shouting,
"I said it, I said...!
 Bem quickly cut in," Said what?
"I said I have seen this before" Dave said
"Seen what? Everyone asked in curiosity
"All this that is happening; the river, the instructions and more that is still going to happen, I have seen this before! Said Dave
"Seen it? Where?" asked Andrew
Andrew is the most fearful person among the boys. He is the mummy's boy type. He is so anxious to know so he can put fear in the mind of others.
"Yes, I have seen it...... em hum, in my dream" replied Dave
Everyone hissed and went on their way; some went to freshen up, while some are busy playing with their mobile phone and some picking up their kits in preparation of the game.
Bem moved closer to Dave and gave him a hard knock on his head.
"Ouch" he yelped
"Guess you are still dreaming, Dave the dreamer, you better wake up and start preparing for today's game, you know we are playing the second match, so freshen up and dress up fast, there's no time for dreaming" said Bem.
Dave moved to the window to have a second look on the river once again. This time he was hit by his coach, who walked in to cheer the boys up.
"Dave what is wrong with you, are you sure you are ready for this competition, if you are not mentally ready, let us substitute you. Coach Pil said.
I am Sir, em; I'm just waiting for other to finish freshening up. Replied Dave
"Okay! So guys listen, the match will start at 12, I want everyone to be on field at 11, I repeat 11am, to warm up. One more thing, make sure you tighten your shoelace, okay?
"Okay Sir, they all echoed.
They all freshened up and assemble at the field as instructed. They warmed up and the game started and ended up with a draw of 2-2.
Immediately after the match Coach Lois called the attention of his students to some observation and dismissed them for the day.
The game went on and on, until Friday when they have break.
It's Friday morning, though they don't have game, it's a Usual thing that they work out in the morning and drilling in the evening.
They all assemble at the field, worked out, gyrate along with other students. While doing that, another announcement was made through the public system that everyone should retire to their various hostels because they are disturbing the environment. The students were all disappointed, that the school authority doesn't want them to have any time for fun.
On their way back to the hostel, Bem and Dave discussed on their planned adventure.
"Bem when do you planned for us to go on the tour, Dave asked
"This evening after dinner, Bem replied
Dave was super excited because he couldn't wait to clear his doubt.
"This evening" he thought to himself.
Evening was fast approaching, Dave was already dress up like a tourist ready to tour round the city. He wore a Tartan shirt, a jeans short and sneakers, with a scarf round his neck. Bem was still playing with his mobile phone when he noticed Dave's anxiety.
"Dave are you, asked Bem
“Sure, just trying to put something’s in order" Dave replied
"Okay! We will move by 4pm" Said Bem
"This is 3:17pm, you should getting dressed by now, said Dave
"What? Is there anything attached to this tour? When I first talk about it, you said you were not interested but now, you are the most interested person here. Hope all I well?
Dave pretends to be less concerned, so that Dave will not change his mind.
“Sure, all is well, he replied
He moved to the wardrobe and began to scatter his bag and murmured.
“Dave is everything? Asked Fred
"No, I am looking for my Camera" Said Dave
“Is that not your camera on the table? Asked Bem
"Who went to my bag and put my camera on the table? Asked Dave
"But, I saw you when who were place this camera on the table not quite long! Answered one the boys
"Oh, I remember now, thank You" Dave replied
Everyone in the room laughed at him.
At 3:50pm, Bem, Fred, Dave and five other team members set to leave for their tour, well dressed. As they all marched towards the gate chattering, the security guards quickly stop them from coming closer but they were adamant.
"Good evening Sir, we just want to stroll around a little we will be back as soon as possible. Said Dave
“I don't think that will be possible because there's no house, nor store around the school that you can stroll to.
"We know, we just need a change of environment. Answered Fred as he deep his hand into his pocket and stretched out a sum of money and hand it over to one of the security guard.
The security guards looked at each other, then deep the money in his khaki trouser while he advice the boys;" listen carefully, you must not stay long nor go to the back of the school, and finally, don't make noise, it's for your own good, is that okay?
“Yes. They answered in choruses as they stepped outside quietly
Few distance away from the school gate, they burst out laughing so hard.
"Hey you boys should stop, unless we will go back, Bem caution them.
"Where we are heading to now, Dave asked
Bem looked at him questioningly, where else, if not the river behind the school.
"At the back of the school? The other boys who were not aware from the beginning of the plan chorused
"But behind the school is part of the warning given to us by the guard. Asked one of the boys who is already showing a feeling of fear.
"Don't mind him, he is just following orders, but if you feel you are not comfortable, you can step back but you must keep your mouth shut. Said Fred, two other boys followed the first boy as they walked back to the school quietly.
The other boys, Bem, Dave, Fred and one other boy continue in their adventure.
They were busy chattering as they could not notice that the night was drawing near. The school compound is very big, so it does took a lot of time for them to get to the back of the school.
Now they could see the river from afar, but the more they go close to the river, the more they felt it’s farther and the sky was becoming dark. Fred was becoming uneasy and he was forced to speak out
"Hey guys, I don't think you guys are feeling the same way I feel right now.
"How are you feeling? Dave asked.
"So you want to tell me that you didn't notice that, the closer we are to the river, the farther it's seems. The river as seen from the fence is not far at all, but we have walked very far from the fence, still the river is still far. Said Fred
"Yea, I noticed too, but......Bem's said before Dave cut in as he laughed
"You guys should calm down, the reason it's seems very close is because we were on the third floor, but this time we are equivalent to the floor.
“Are you sure? Cause right now, my mind is scattered with different thought. Fred said as he looked around in fear.
They were about moving forward when they heard the claps of thunder while it began to drizzle. They tried to find a shade to hide, but there's been no tree close to where they were. They tried to find a solution but they couldn't; the rain started and was dropping like stone. The Rain lasted for like twenty minutes then they spotted a light from a distance. They were shivering from both the cold from the rain and fear from the light coming towards them
"I said it; I know there is something unusual about this place. Said Fred as he used his binocular to look at what is coming towards them.
"I can see an image coming like a man; he is holding an umbrella and a touch. Where can he be coming from?
Everyone seems frightened by the question as they looked at themselves. Bem tried to calm them down as he encouraged them to be a man. Everyone was calmed as the man moved closer.
"Gentlemen what are you doing here at this time, and what exactly are you looking for.
Bem was forwarded to speak
"Em, Sir, we came for a competition, and we intend to stroll out and see its environment.
"And the school allowed you to? Asked the Man
"Not really but......the man didn't allow Bem to finish before he cuts in
“You are very lucky; no one has ever come to this point and survives it.
"What. They chorused
“Yes, come with me. The Man said
They looked at each other before deciding to follow him. They cited a hut after walking few minutes from where they were previously standing. They were surprised because that didn't see the hut all this while. They got to the hut and sat down on the sit given to them by the Man. The Man sat down and offered them a cup of tea each. He continued his story as they sip their tea.
"As I was saying, you are very lucky, no one has ever survived it, and Erelu must have been lenient with you. You can't get to the river except you are a child of this town, and if you tried to, it's either you get missing or you drown unknowingly.
"Is that the reason, why there are not houses here? Asked Dave, as he was busy taking note of everything the Man was saying.
The Man sigh and replied  "there is no house or building around here, not because they can't be sold or the house is not good for buildings, but Erelu is the owner of this environment and she doesn't like Intruders because of some reason best known to her.
"Then why did she allow Vincent University. Asked Dave
"That's a brilliant question. The man Answered
"Erelu's does what she likes. The owner of Vincent University is a son of the soil, and a great contributor to this town. Erelu was appeased severally for that building to stand where it is.
"Where does she live? Asked Bem
The Man laughed so hard before answering
"She lives in her river, or let me say she's the river”.
The boys were confused as Bem took courage to ask "How come Sir?
The Man sigh as he explained "Long time ago, Erelu was a great warrior, who fought many wars and won. There was this particular war that she was asked to go, but she didn't want to. As to persuade her to, they promised her a lot of gift which this environment was part of. She was encouraged by the promises; she fought the war for a long time and finally won. On getting back, the king fulfilled all his promise except one, which is this environment. She tried all her best to make the king fulfill his promise of giving her the environment as promised, but all proved abortive. She got angry, then she thought to herself, instead of losing it, then nobody will make use of it. Therefore she came here and became what she is today. She has been residing here since then.
"Wow. They exclaimed
While all this was going on, the team members were tense because the four are not yet back and they could not sight from them the window of the third floor. Everyone is scared of reporting the issue to the coach. It almost midnight and they are not yet back, The security guard are also restless because they didn't notice them moving in, so they had to send for one of student that returned back earlier.
He explained to them that they had not returned and they have been trying to get reach to them but to no avail. The security guards planned to look for them at dawn, before the information gets to the school authority.
The Four were busy listening to the story said by the Man. Few minutes later, the Man excused himself from their midst. While they waited for him to come back, they slept off.
Coach Lois noticed Bem's absence from the morning workout.
Bem! Where is Bem? Asked the coach
One of the boys quickly covers up
"Sir, em, he has been going to the toilet since yesterday evening.
"And he did not deem fit to inform me about it. When you get to the hostel tell him to see me immediately. Said Coach Lois
They finish their work out and went straight to the hostel deliberating on what to do, knowing full well, that they don't know their whereabouts.
On getting to the hostel, to their surprise, the four had freshened up and are well dress.
"What, they echoed
"How did you get in, asked one of the boys
Bem smiled and answered.
"Early this morning, as the ray of the morning sun shone on us, we found ourselves surrounded by the security guard, looking fiercely at us.
He acted the scene
"Where is this place, and how did you find us? Asked Bem
"You are beside the school and we found you here". One of the guards said to them. "You guys should stand up now before this matter gets out of hand; your team members have been very worried about your absence. Get up fast before your coach tends to know about your whereabouts; we sneaked into the school compound and straight up to the hostel through the back door.
Everyone one laughed as Bem narrated the story to his team members while Dave was standing close to the window glancing at the river.
The competition continued as usual. Bem and his team tried all possible best out of their imperfections and bagged the second position.
Dave couldn't take his eyes off the river anytime he had the chance to, he can only see the water change it color, and feel the presence of the unknown.
They were tempted to go on a tour again but they remembered the strange Man's advice and bid Vincent University farewell, never to forget their experience on their adventure to Erelu’s river

© Eyes2heart


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