He finally got the admission after three trials
Everyone was excited
Father told him, remember the child of whom you are.
Mother told him to be a good role model to his sibling.

He left for school.
Welcome to the SBM hostel,
He was quick to make friends,
They said to him,
If you want to be part of us,you must do what we do
He was timid because he was the mummy's boy.

Felix says he should try it because there's no harm trying
Ben says it's called highness
Mike says it's sweet and good for the weak.
It was strange at first,
but he's now on top in the game.

"Ken you have to reduce your intake, his friends advised
" Guys, this thing is sweeter than what think"
He became the master to his teacher;
He is the talk of the school;
The live of the party.

In his third year, he became crazy and now lazy
The school management couldn't cope with his lifestyle and condition.
he was rusticated in the process
His demand became much, but the supply was less.
He couldn't go home because he is addicted to it,

He's going insane
All hope is lost
The prodigal son is back
Father and mother are disappointed
His siblings do not see him as a role model anymore.

"All his dream of becoming an oncologist is gone"
He thought to himself.
He tries to commit suicide,
luckily he was rescued.
They told him,it's not the end of the world
He was sent to the rehabilitation center
He is getting better, but he regrets it .


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