There are some mystical believe about tribal marks;in Nigeria, tribal marks are scarification which are specific identification and beautification mark designed on the face or body of Nigerians especially the Yoruba and Hausa  people. The tribal marks are mainly part of the Yoruba culture and are usually inscribed on the body by cutting of the skin during childhood. The primary reason for the tribal mark is for identification of a person's tribe, family or patrilineal heritage. Other reasons for the mark are symbols of beauty and creativity. There are also believes that tribal marks or marks is a way of keeping mischievous children alive (Ila Abiku)
I guess that is where I belong.
       My name is Deola Adesoji, a graduate of a prominent University. As an Art practitioner, and a creative personnel with so much potential, I believe I can do anything or can work anywhere that practice Art, both in the media houses, entertainment industries etc. I thought, but growing up wasn't easy even though I was very brilliant,smart; I lacked courage,boldness and liveliness because of a particular thing on my face, will I call it a tribal mark or let me just say a face mark inscribed by my parent when I was very little.
    The reason I said growing up wasn't easy is this, I am the only one with this mark, so I felt odd in amidst my siblings and family, I felt there was something wrong with me and nothing was normal about me, I had all this in mind, still my siblings and friends didn't made it easy for me because anytime I do anything wrong, they finds it as an avenue to  insult with it.
      One morning I woke up very early, because I couldn't sleep, I was so bothered about this thing on my face, then I summoned courage and went to my mum, I asked her about it. She sigh before explaining, she said I had the mark on because when I was very little, i fell sick at a point, and most times had faint, she was so scared that she took me to a nearby midwife who advise that a mark should be placed on my face, and according to the Yoruba culture, any child that behave that way is not ordinary, and may die if action is not taken in time. I accepted fate as a young girl, but that doesn't change the fact that I still feel odd to the extent I don't relate with other children, Neither do i make friends nor talk to anyone both in school and at home. I lived a lonely life, full of pain and secret, I lost my self esteem.
   I left high School for the University. My first day of resuming to the University, for the first time I approached a lady, she was looking good; "excuse me please, she looked back then I moved closer to enquire about somethings " Please I don't know how to go about the registration, Can you.., but before I could finish my sentence, she stared at me for a while,hissed and walked away without a word, I was stunned by her action, i looked at myself, my dressing wasn't bad, i had a nice hair and a light makeup on, then I suspect it's this mark on my face,I know she must have thought who this local girl was. I lost balance I was ashamed of myself,I did all I can, then isolated myself from others and even those in my department.
     I continued this habit of isolating myself even though some tried to make friends with me, but as time went on I reciprocate and gradually start having few friends. At a point I noticed I was having more friends, who were also clinging to me especially when they need somethings from me. They were not true friends I knew from the start, but I was playing along.
Finally I graduated and needed to start working. I knew I had the ability and can work anywhere as long as it's Art or media, I'm in for it. I had attended an interview one time, for the post of a presenter, though I wasn't the only one. It got to my turn, I entered the interview hall and faced the interviewer, before I could say a word, their facial expression showed that it is a NO GO AREA, still I manage to show a glimpse of all is well in my smile. They didn't even bother to ask me much question or look at my credentials , they were like "we will get back to you", but within me I knew it's a way of letting me go because I waited for a long while but didn't get any feedback.
       Then I began to wonder, is this mark a blessing or  a curse, because there are  lot of people who have experienced the same fate as I,who have pretty face, but was disfigured with this so called tribal mark or mark. Some have great potential and have great interest or dream of being in the media, entertainment industry  and so on but were rejected due to the fact that they have this mark on.

Is Tribal marks or Face mark a blessing or a curse?



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