I can't believe.
It's three years since your departure
When you left us no choice but to let you go
Tell me
How can I forget
The picture of your last existence
The memory of you that rings in my mind
The voices of weeping and great mourning of you
That day, Yes that day
You put on the veil between your body and soul
 I saw how you danced to the tune of the drum of death
How you draw her closer just to bid her farewell
How you made them believe you went to the market;the one you never came back from
I saw the lost of hope in surviving that emits from your eyes
I remembered I cried my eyes out begging God for a miracle
For another chance.
To fulfill all your funny promises
I guess I didn't pray enough.
Of course you appeared thrice, talking to me in parables
And for the fourth time you promise never appear again.
Seriously I can't withstand your image,
because I still can't believe you are gone.
How I wish you had survived.
(Dedicated to Titilayo Ijanusi 2/8/2016)

Photo credit: james-wainscoat


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